You can request a return within 14 days after receiving your parcel. All products must
be returned in their original condition. We will not accept returns of products that have been used.

When you return a product please place the product in original packaging before sending it
back to us. If this is not respected we will unfortunately not accept your return.

We will refund your return within 14 business days of receiving it at the warehouse, back to the same card/account you used when placing your order. Please note that the initial shipping fee will not be refunded.

When requesting a return or exchange please follow these steps:

1. Contact us at with your request. Please state your order number so we can identify your order. We will assist you with your return label as soon as your request has been processed.

2. Place the products in the original packaging.

3. Attach the return label on top of the package.

4. Ship your return within 7 days after receiving your return label (as the return label may expire after that).

5. Drop the parcel at your closest delivery access point.

6. When shipping your return, please make sure the parcel is securely sealed to avoid any damage.