Questions and answers


Are edenray hair products vegan and free from animal testing?

All our products are 100% vegan and free from animal testing.

Do your products contain sulfates and parabens?

Our products are free from both sulfates and parabens.

What is the pH value of edenray's products?

Our shampoo has a pH of 5-5.4 and our conditioner 4.5 to match the natural pH of hair and skin. This is to maintain the natural bacterial flora and avoid wear and tear on the scalp and hair.

Are edenray's hair products nut-free and gluten-free?

Yes, they are.

Where are your hair products manufactured?

Our shampoo and conditioner are manufactured in Sweden. The spray bottles are manufactured in China.

Do any of your products contain added fragrances or essential oils?

Our shampoo and conditioner contain essential oils.

What is the shelf life/shelf life of edenray hair products?

Our products retain their maximum freshness for 12 months after opening.

Can your products be used on children?

Our products are very gentle as they are 100% vegan, sulphate and paraben free and the formula is developed without harsh chemicals in accordance with EU cosmetics regulations.

All of our safety documents/safety assessments (ingredient levels) are based on adults and are therefore an individual decision.

Shipping & Returns

Do you ship internationally?

Right now we only ship within Sweden.

How much does the shipping cost?

Please visit our Shipping & Returns page for information on shipping costs.

How long does it take for my order to arrive at my home?

Standard delivery time is between 2-5 working days. Delivery to rural areas may take longer.

How do I track my order?

When your order ships from our warehouse, you will receive an email with a tracking number. You can use this number to track your package until it is delivered to you.

I have not received my order?

When an order is created in our system, an order confirmation is automatically sent to the email address you provided at the time of purchase. Please check that you have entered the correct email address and check your spam folder to make sure it is not there, if you think you have entered the wrong email address please contact us at Be sure to include your name and address so we can locate your order.

How do I exchange an item?

If you want to exchange one item for another, you must return it in accordance with our return policy and place a new order.

What happens if my products are damaged or if I want to return a product?

Once you have received your package, we recommend that you check as soon as possible that it matches your order. If the product is faulty or damaged, you may, depending on the circumstances, request that the fault be rectified. In that case, contact us directly via e-mail at and attach a clear picture of the damage. This must be done within a reasonable time from the time you discovered the error or deficiency.

How do I return an item that I have purchased?

You can register products for exchange or refund within 14 days of receiving your package. Please ensure that all returned products are unopened, unused and in their original packaging. If this is not the case, we will not be able to accept the return.

How long does it take to get a refund?

We aim to process refunds as soon as we have received the returned products in our warehouse. Depending on busy periods this may take longer, we will email you once your refund has been processed. Contact us if for any reason you have not received your refund within a reasonable time.

common questions

How do you handle my personal data?

You can read more about how we handle personal data in our privacy policy.

I did not find the information I was looking for on this page. What can I do in that case?

If your question is not on the list, please contact and we will respond as soon as possible.

Thanks so much!

Team edenray